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I AM Times

“God replied to Moses, “I am who i am. Say this to the people of Israel: I am has sent me to you.”—Exodus 3:14

The times, oh these times, that we find ourselves living. Many choose to remember days gone by, the good old days but we must advance, elevate to a higher plain of existence. It seems that God is demanding it. The message is reverberating throughout the universe. It is being expressed in some religions and it is definitely being spread by those who understand spirituality. There is nothing “new aged” about the message, it is as old as time itself. These are I AM Times.

In the Old Testament Book of Exodus Moses received his calling to liberate a nation. Moses was exiled from wealthy living to become a sheep herder for a family who were devout followers of Yahweh. Moses could not simply rely on their faith, he had to grasp his own faith relationship. He went to a higher state of mind, the mountain, to see the marvelous light. He was told that he had to go free God’s people. Imagine Moses, a stutterer, asking God who shall I say sent me; he heard the most impactful name in the universe, “I AM who I AM”.

“I” is a pronoun, nominative and “am” is first person singular present indicative of be. Yes, it is even more than that…I AM is the Absolute Source of all things. I AM is a power that propels that which we speak, it is an unwavering Energy that expresses light, love, wisdom and creation. I AM is a Being that cannot be seen but can be felt in mind, body and spirit. The words that we speak following I AM are given power. Jesus spoke the I AM language: “I am the bread of life”, “I am the light of the world”, “I am the good shepherd”, “I am the resurrection and the life…”, “I am the way, the truth and the life” and “I am the true Vine”. Putting I AM out front, you express to God who you are, your awareness of your purpose and destiny, giving God praise and glory in what you declare. We create our world by what we speak; we give foundation to what we speak by placing I AM, God, before it. Speaking I AM before your name says to God, “I believe in what You have created me to be”, “I honor You in me and around me”, “I acknowledge Your power in me to do great things, to achieve my desires”.

These are I AM Times! A spiritual portal has opened and spiritual wisdom is being expressed by those and to those who believe in the power of the ultimate Source of all things. God shared more than His name with Moses, God showed Moses his identity in the I AM as liberator. In the I AM, Moses could free a nation in slavery, in the I AM, Moses marched a people to freedom, in the I AM, there was no need to fear or doubt rather, just be. We must be in our spiritual identity as little gods, little gods, who can make a difference, who can create new worlds, who can liberate a society who has forgotten their identity. It is in oneness with I AM that we can make all things new in our homes, our communities, in our places of worship and within ourselves. These are I AM Times and if we have our own faith relationship we can change the world.

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