The Mission of Imani
Take Ownership
Mission Statement
Imani Temple African American Catholic Congregation (AACC) believes that a people who do not take ownership and control over their own destiny, moved by the genius of their culture, can never achieve full spiritual, social, economic, political, cultural, educational, and psychological maturity. While Imani Temple AACC is a church in an African-centered paradigm, it is a faith community for all peoples, races, and walks of life.
The Mission of the Church
We believe that the Church, as a Community of Baptized believers, must join with Christ in the mission of Liberation. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; therefore, [God] has anointed me. He has sent me to bring the Good News to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind and release to prisoners, to announce a year of favor from the Lord’ Rolling up the scroll, Jesus gave it back to the assistant and sat down.... Then He began by saying to them, ‘Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.’” (Luke 4:18-21) With Christ, our Liberator, as our Head, we take unto ourselves His ministry and example. Just as in Christ, there is the abiding hope in abundant life, we are committed to the certainty of life and hope in a world constantly in crisis and torn by tribulation.
We believe it is our mission to preach true knowledge of God, of life, of humanity “in spirit and in truth” We understand that a people who do not take control of their own destiny in Jesus’ name, moved by the genius of their culture and consciousness, can never achieve full spiritual, economic, cultural, social, political, educational, and psychological maturity. Therefore, we are committed to the movements and struggles of our days in the hope of preserving our tomorrows.
We believe that we are “minds” through which Christ can “think” “hearts” through which Christ can “love” “hands” through which Christ can “serve” We believe that through our commitment to our brothers and sisters, Jesus is enfleshed in us. So, we are the “Living Body of Christ” loving and helping people in the struggle of freedom.
We believe it is our mission “to find a need and fill it... to find a hurt and heal it... to find a problem and solve it... to find a chasm and bridge it... to find somebody who’s sick in mind, body, and spirit and lead him/her to healing love… to find somebody who’s suffering from sin and oppression and show him/her how he/she is liberated.”