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Father Clinton J. Anderson

Fr. Clinton J. Anderson is currently the pastor of Love, Light and Liberty Ministries located in Washington D.C. and Masontown W.V. (a non-denominational faith expression of the Christian faith) focused on healing, deliverance and prayer; (LLL), also has a heavy emphasis on pre-and post martial care, as well as pastoral care. An Associate Pastor and formerly the Vicar of Evangelism and Vicar of Community Outreach at Imani Temple on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.  In this capacity, Fr. Anderson was responsible for membership care, as well as being the spiritual advisor to the men’s group (MAAC).


Fr. Anderson is a published author of two books of poetry and is currently working on his third book. Fr. Anderson has facilitated and developed workshops and seminars whose topics include: crisis intervention, values clarification, communication skills, stress management, diversity training, parenting skills, maternal and child health, sex and sexuality, marriage and family, staff management, and supervision and leadership development. During his thirty years of social services experience, Fr. Anderson has practiced within the psychiatric community, the criminal justice system (juvenile and adult) D.C. Public Schools, and the private sector. He holds a Bachelors of Science degree in Psychology from Loma Linda University and has undertaken graduate studies at Lincoln University Human Resources Program.


A native Washingtonian, Fr. Anderson was raised in the Petworth/Tacoma Park Section of Washington, D.C. where, through his family and life experiences, he developed a deep appreciation of the arts, travel and religious education. Those early experiences have continued to inform and transform his experiences as he continues on God’s journey for his life, to fortify all people, in all communities through God’s unchanging word.


In 1998, after two years of active membership in the church - the African American Catholic Congregation’s Imani Temple on Capitol Hill - he answered the call to journey in service to God and His people.  In September 2001, he was ordained to the Deaconate. In September of 2004 Fr. Anderson was ordained to the Priesthood. This part of his journey is a continuation of a life long quest influenced by his affiliations and service in organizations such as the Civil Air Patrol, the American Red Cross and various religious organizations as a youth. He has studied Roman and Greek mythology, philosophy and theology. Although he was raised in the Roman Catholic Church, Fr. Anderson’s religious education had and continues to be influenced by his study and understanding of Islam, Buddhism, Native worship and Transcendental Meditation. All of his religious experiences are part of the fabric of his soul and has proven to be instrumental in his “walk” on God’s journey for this life.

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